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Libra Monthly Horoscope



Libra Monthly Horoscope


Get out and circulate, Libra! The Sun is in Leo and your social, collaborative eleventh house until August 22. After a hardworking July, you’re ready to spread your social butterfly wings and network as only your sign can. This might just be your favorite part of the summer since Libras are often happiest in the company of vibrant people, especially when the atmosphere’s abuzz with stimulating conversations. Whether you’re rallying the troops to get pumped about a work project or hosting an unforgettable Olympics watch party, you’re the heartbeat of every group gathering. 

We know you’re a planner, Libra, so here’s a heads-up: This won’t be the most straightforward or breezy Leo season. Thanks to a few transits, your summer soirees might take a little extra organizing to pull off without a hitch. For starters, Mercury will be retrograde from August 5 to 28, crossing the communication wires and causing technology breakdowns. 

The key is to get ahead of them with plenty of precautions, like backing up your devices or leaving room in your schedule for last minute cancellations. This year’s Mercury pre-shadow period,which began on July 16, featured a historical Crowdstrike global IT outage that impacted flight schedules, service providers and media outlets worldwide—a true Y2K moment come to life (pop-culture flashback for the Millennials and above in the room).

Since the eleventh house rules technology, your online presence will also be highlighted. Be sure to use your platform consciously! If you have a powerful message, it could go viral—all the more reason to post with awareness. Your words carry extra power (and sting). Make sure you’re not cutting anyone with too sharp an edge, however, given trickster Mercury’s reversal for most of the month. 

On the plus side, a galvanizing Mars-Jupiter conjunction could bring a fortuitous midmonth opportunity! The day to watch is August 19, when a double dose of cosmically confounding T-squares—a tug of war involving multiple planets—arrives along with the Aquarius full moon. This date also happens to be the kickoff of the Democratic National Convention in the U.S. The world will certainly be zoned in on Democratic presidential nominee (and fellow Libra) Kamala Harris, who was endorsed by President Joe Biden shortly after ambitious Mars moved into mutable Gemini on July 20, remaining there through September 4. The planetary plot twists this month continue to gain momentum as the scales of justice recalibrate. 

You may feel some version of this in your own life, perhaps being pulled into a bigger, more vocal version of yourself. The world needs Libra leadership and fairness like never before. Even if you don’t feel “ready,” trust that you’ll figure it out as you go.

Craving the company of a like-minded crew or a winning running mate that can bring your grand plans to life? The August 4 Leo new moon could usher in kindred-spirit connections over the coming two weeks—AND the next six months. But don’t sit around waiting to be invited. That public-facing Leo energy encourages you to be proactive and unabashed about promoting your ideas. Seek out-of-the-box thinkers for a new group endeavor or join an existing organization that’s aligned with your mission. 

While it can feel exciting to explore new interests and groups, make sure you’re not overextending yourself (more than usual, that is). You’ll really want to keep those boundaries firm starting August 5, when Mercury dives into a signal-jamming retrograde, which can muck up technology, communication and transportation until August 28. Traffic backs up, phones and electronics mysteriously stop working, and people misunderstand each other. 

The first 10 days could be especially challenging. Until August 14, Mercury will be retrograde in Virgo and your foggy twelfth house, potentially creating a minefield of confusion and passive-aggressive behavior. Trying to get a straight answer out of anyone? Good luck! Your own Libran indecisiveness and perfectionist tendencies could tip the scales out of balance as well. 

Silver lining: Retrogrades ARE good for resolving issues from the past and reconnecting with people from back in the day. With Mercury reversing through your twelfth house of closure, you’ll especially enjoy nostalgic trips down memory lane. Look through old photos, visit elderly relatives or pick up a cast-aside project or hobby. 

If you have some forgiveness work to do, this is a good time to process painful emotions that you’ve kept bottled up for so long, possibly with the help of a therapist or healer. The twelfth house rules the subconscious, so don’t be surprised if your sleep is interrupted by vivid dreams or visitations from departed loved ones.

On August 14, Mercury backs into Leo and your eleventh house of teamwork and technology for the duration of the retrograde. There could be friction in your friendships, or you could have trouble getting on the same page as your collaborators. Hold off on officially joining any group endeavors until later this month if possible. If you can’t wait, be sure to conduct due diligence on the opportunity and make sure it will truly work for everyone involved. With trickster Mercury back-spinning through your future-focused eleventh house, you’ll be caught in a whirlwind of creative potential and uncertainty—especially with ambitious Mars charging through communicative Gemini for the whole month. Which direction should you move forward with, if any? The analysis paralysis will be REAL at moments.

On August 14, go-getter Mars and expansive Jupiter unite in Gemini and your visionary ninth house, making you the perfect evangelist for a big idea. Inspiration on fire! This cosmic meetup could ignite an idea for a platform to share your work (think: a book, media project or startup business). Your daring moves could gain widespread attention, so show ‘em that trademark brilliance and keen aesthetic sensibility. You may need to speak up and voice your authentic perspective—which hopefully reflects your trademark Libra tactfulness. Under these outspoken yet confusing skies, you want to make people sit up and listen, not duck for cover. 

Got an entrepreneurial idea percolating? This Mars-Jupiter dalliance could be a boon for rolling out a beta test or promoting or publishing your work. Use the rest of Mercury’s reversal to iron out any kinks in your brilliant idea before an official launch in September.

Your creativity gets an added boost of cosmic support when the year’s only Aquarius full moon blasts into your fifth house of passion, creativity and self-expression. Pass the mic! You’re all fired up, and you’ve got something to share with the world. Maybe it’s just a declaration of joy and celebration—and if so, a full moon fiesta or a much-deserved night on the town could satisfy your bawdy and indulgent desires.

While emotions could get heated—Mercury moves back into dramatic Leo on August 14— you’ll be able to speak your truth now. A budding romance could consummate into a full-blown love affair—or at least talk of one! Since the fifth house rules fertility, this fecund full moon could bring baby news for Libras of the childbearing set (especially if you’ve been exploring technologically savvy procedures like IUI or egg-freezing). For single Libras, this full moon might have you realizing that you’d raclass=”body-el-link standard-body-el-link” ther be “boysober” or celibate instead, given the state of the dating pool. If you’re an artist, performer or content creator, la luna’s moon beams will flood you with inspiration AND also draw recognition for your talents. 

Caution: This is no ordinary Aquarius full moon, with the skies featuring not one but TWO rare T-squares, a three-way tug of war between planets that can pull you in polarizing directions. You’re great at holding tension between two opposing truths (scales and all), but it’s getting a little much even for you, Libra. Expect temperatures to rise, and we don’t just mean the political landscape—2024’s Democratic National Convention kicks off the same day! 

The first T-square involves the heavy lifters of the zodiac—feisty Mars, hopeful Jupiter, cautious Saturn (retrograde) and tender Venus duking it out in adaptable mutable signs—while the second features the full moon, Mercury retrograde and innovative Uranus in stubborn fixed signs.

The Juclass=”body-el-link standard-body-el-link” piter-Saturn-Venus T-square mashup serves as an inflection point stemming from the Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn on December 21, 2020. Many astrologers suggest that the seeds of the Age of Aquarius were planted when Jupiter and Saturn appeared from our vantage on Earth as a single, extra-bright star. Great conjunctions happen every 20 years, which means we’re at the first-quarter mark of this one. This Jupiter-Saturn conjunction injected a fresh dose of Aquarian values (community, belonging, and freedom) into your romantic and expressive fifth house back then, and now you’ll get to see the fruits of their efforts. The only snag? Jupiter and Saturn have opposite agendas: Jupiter wants us to rapidly expand and take leaps of faith whereas Saturn is measured and conservative. How to reconcile?

Jupiter in communicative Gemini and your visionary ninth house offers expanded possibilities while Saturn in idealistic Pisces and your sixth house of work and routine could prompt a reality check on your priorities. Have you outgrown your current role or image—professional or otherwise? What adjustments need to be made to accommodate more of your personal truth? 

With relationship-driven Venus in discerning Virgo and your subconscious twelfth house, letting go of your attachment to people-pleasing is on the agenda. Those old insecurities are ripe for shedding. Have the scales been tipping too far in the opposite direction? Your polite Libran ways could inadvertently be obscuring YOUR true desires.

The Aquarius full moon T-square features an opposition between the emotional moon, communicator Mercury (still retrograde) and the dramatic Leo Sun, with changemaker Uranus (in Taurus) wedged in the middle. Talk about a celestial pressure cooker! This could bring on edginess, stress and potentially a breakthrough (or a breakdown) in intimate relationships and joint ventures. 

The full moon illuminates where you might have stubbornly resisted change in the past, and could offer a burst of clarity around what truly makes you happy. It’s a revelatory day that can bring in a deeper set of realizations about how you would like to spend your precious time and effort moving forward.

Feeling a little worn out from all the action and contemplation? You can slip under the radar for quieter pursuits starting August 22, when the Sun begins its annual monthlong sojourn through Virgo and your twelfth house of rest, healing and closure. What have you procrastinated on that’s still hanging over your head, and how can you complete that project? Who do you need to forgive or make amends with? Use the rest of Mercury’s backspin through August 28 (and post-retrograde shadow period ending on September 11) to tie up any loose ends before Libra season—and your next birthday!—arrives. 

Two steps forward, one step back? Love feels like an awkward dance this month. One minute, you’re ready to rush headlong into romance; the next, you’re feeling overwhelmed at the thought of “answering to” another person. While your feelings are running this hot and cold, it’s wise to avoid making any sudden moves. Plus, Mercury is retrograde from August 4 to 28, further muddling your judgment and ability to communicate. 

Caution: Since retrogrades rule the past, an ex or former flame could re-enter the picture. Was it bad timing then or just bad energy overall? When feelings fluctuate (as they will), talk to trusted friends and your therapist instead of initiating any on-the-spot heart-to-hearts with your S.O. There’s a good chance that any fears you’re experiencing are rooted in the past and that you’re projecting them onto your current situation. Remember, Libra, you didn’t just fall out of a coconut tree (to drop the viral quote from your fellow Libra Kamala Harris). Your prior relationships can serve as valuable fonts of wisdom if you use them correctly.

When Venus shifts into YOUR sign from August 29 until September 22, you have a stellar opportunity to follow your romantic muse wherever it leads you. Single Libras will have the X-factor (as opposed to the “ex factor,” ahem, Mercury). Your sense of attractiveness and desire reawaken. You might be ready for a total image refresh, and stylish Venus will happily oblige. These outgoing vibes turn you into an unabashed flirt, and your efforts won’t go unappreciated. 

Right as Venus shifts into Libra, it immediately forms a harmonious 120-degree trine to magnetic Pluto in your fifth house of romance and self-expression. In a relationship? You’ll be the object of much flattery and attention, and could be tempted to cross a line. Careful, Libra. The point of no return might be much closer than you realize.

Tired or wired? You’re probably feeling a little bit of both. Although the Sun is in Leo and your social, collaborative eleventh house until August 22, mental Mercury and your ruler, Venus, are both taking a lap through Virgo and your restful twelfth house. Mercury, in a signal-scrambling retrograde, is in Virgo until August 14, and wealth magnet Venus is here from August 4 to 29. Lean on your crew this month and delegate as much as possible. Focus on wrapping things up and making sure your team is on the same page, especially when Mercury backs into Leo on August 14.

Right before the retrograde, an opportunity to launch something cutting-edge with kindred spirits could arrive at the August 4 Leo new moon. Field the offers, but take your time to consider. You may not be ready to give a firm “yes” or “no” until September. 

On August 19, the spotlight beckons when the full moon arrives in Aquarius and your fifth house of fame and creativity. Get that back-to-school promo blast out and make sure you’re ready when the lights and cameras inevitably find you! But deliver your performance with care. A major cosmic traffic jam today could have everyone in a tizzy. 

Be the serene eye of the storm now, Libra. With fervent Mars alongside optimistic Jupiter in Gemini and your inspirational ninth house all month, the pulpit is yours. A calm but potent message that reaches people’s hearts will make you the most sought-after person in the room. 

Love Days: 18, 22

Money Days:29, 12

Luck Days: 26, 9

Off Days: 6, 24

See All Signs

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