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World News Day: Join us – because Journalism Matters



World News Day: Join us – because Journalism Matters

Conceived by David Walmsley, the Globe and Mail’s editor-in-chief, World News Day is executed jointly by the Canadian Journalism Foundation and WAN-IFRA’s World Editors Forum

More than 500 newsrooms worldwide supported our last campaign.

Today, journalism is struggling to maintain its credibility and, for an alarming number of news organisations, daily existence equals quest for survival. 

A collective action is urgently needed to reaffirm the true value of journalism and to persuade more people to support and join our cause.

We invite you and your publication to support the World News Day 2024 campaign and the values it espouses.

Now, more than ever: 

Journalism • News • Facts • Accountability •  Public Service • Humanity • Scrutiny • Independence • Ethics • Community …

… These words MATTER.

In essence, World News Day 2024 is about never forgetting why we exist in the first place. 

Future forward, now

What you and your colleagues around the world do in the coming months and years and decades will matter to generations of news media professionals to come. Your commitment to these self-evident values will be an important help in this likely perilous journey.

This year, we have teamed up with Branko Brkic, the editor-in-chief of South Africa’s Daily Maverick, to conceive a high-quality, high-impact campaign that stands out for the striking  simplicity of its message: Choose Truth

See the teaser here. 

How can you help?
We realise that you are madly busy with your focus on the pressing issues of the day, so we will do the heavy lifting.

By September 13, we will provide you with a comprehensive set of World News Day campaign assets that you can share with your readers. 

These include: 

  • a selection of op-eds
  • print and web ads
  • social media video, and
  • suggestions on how to best disseminate the  campaign’s message through your various channels. 

As a part of our commitment to amplify World News Day 2024 and its message, we will endeavour to make material available in major global languages.

Sign up now, and amplify the impact

Sign up now, and confirm your willingness to support World News Day 2024.

We look forward to your early support to help us build up momentum in the months to come and deliver a strong, successful campaign in support of fact-based journalism.

Contact Cherilyn Ireton, Executive Director of the World Editors Forum: cherilyn. ireton

David Walmsley Editor in Chief, Globe and Mail
Martha Ramos President, World Editors Forum
Kathy English Chair, Canadian Journalism Foundation
Branko Brkic Editor in Chief, Daily Maverick

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