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São Paulo Court orders blocking of 15 gambling websites – Games Magazine Brasil



São Paulo Court orders blocking of 15 gambling websites – Games Magazine Brasil

According to the records, the Association for the Defense of Integrity and Rights and Duties in Games and Betting (Adeja) stated that the websites act, without regulation or operational leadership in Brazil, as financial intermediaries between game users and the websites. In other words, they are responsible for the flow of money between bettors and the companies’ accounts.

The Public Prosecutor’s Office stated that the action should be dismissed without a trial, but Judge Marzagão also accepted Adeja’s argument that the association itself could file a public civil action.

The judge also denied a request by the association to block the companies’ bank accounts and gave them 15 days to respond. After the court’s ruling, Anatel should notify the telephone operators so that they could block the accounts.

“The facts described in the initial complaint and the documents that accompany it demonstrate the plausibility of the plaintiff’s allegations regarding the participation of the co-defendants in the damages suffered by the community,” said the judge.

When accessed on Monday morning (9), it was still possible to access at least seven of the websites listed in the decision, most of which promised returns on investment or displayed characters from the Tiger’s game.

As Folha reported, around 500 police reports have already been filed in São Paulo mentioning Tiger’s since last year. Those who believed the promises ended up losing R$200,000 (US$ 35,700), according to investigations by the Civil Police.

Blocked sites:
















Government defines criteria to regulate Fortune Tiger, roulette and betting

On July 31, the Ministry of Finance published an ordinance regulating online gambling. The measure, which will come into effect in January 2025, encompasses virtual modalities such as the tiger game and other virtual slot machines, card games, roulette and similar formats.

The text establishes rules for each modality, such as specific odds for card games, ball draws and roulette, in addition to bets made in automatic mode.

The ordinance ends the uncertainty about the legality of online slot machines, by detailing how so-called slot games, such as Fortune Tiger and Fortune Dragon, should work.

These sites were mentioned in a bill that regulated betting in the country, in which there was no explicit permission. The measure by the Treasury removes this part of the betting market from a “gray area.”

The government also defined how it will be monitored and penalties applied in the event of violations, which include fines of up to R$2 billion (US$ 360m).

The responsible gaming rules address gambling-related addiction, violations of consumer rights, misleading advertising or advertising aimed at minors, rewards to attract customers and affiliate marketing — a branch of advertising that currently receives the largest number of complaints to the National Advertising Self-Regulation Council (Conar) and floods social media with ads about gambling.

The rules apply to online betting, including games such as Fortune Tiger and other virtual slot machines, card games, sports betting, roulette and similar formats.

The betting site will have the duty to prevent registration or limit access to people with a medically proven diagnosis of gambling addiction (addiction to gambling) or who are prohibited from betting by administrative or judicial decision, in the event of notification.

The betting sites will receive reports of addiction and “pathological gambling” through an ombudsman’s office that they must maintain to assist and guide bettors and their families. In addition, they will need to use user browsing data to identify signs of addiction.

Each person may have only one registration on each betting site, to make it difficult for someone who is prohibited from doing so to circumvent the veto.

Source: Folha

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