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3 Zodiac Signs Enter A More Fortunate Era Starting With Moon Conjunct Jupiter On September 23



3 Zodiac Signs Enter A More Fortunate Era Starting With Moon Conjunct Jupiter On September 23

Unexpected fortune is coming for three zodiac signs on September 23, 2024. Many of us are about to ask what just happened (and can it happen again, please). These zodiacs are entering a more fortunate era thanks to Moon conjunct Jupiter on Monday.

Three zodiac signs will feel the hopeful vibe of Jupiter transits, and rather than doubt or mistrust this sudden fortune, we allow for it to happen; we give it space and thus, it thrives. It’s on this Monday that we get to see that we have not been ‘overlooked’ by the universe, as we sometimes think we have been. It will be a very pleasant change of pace to think that we, too, can receive such good luck, and while we might not expect this fortune, we are still very, very happy ‘it’ chose us to fall on.

Three zodiac signs enter a more fortunate era staring on September 23, 2024.
1. Aries

Adrian Mag via Unsplash | Trendify via Canva

It’s an awfully nice idea to think that you, of all people, will run into a major plot twist on September 23, when it comes to good fortune. Hey, you certainly do work hard enough to drum up as much optimism as possible, and during Moon conjunct Jupiter, it’s hard to avoid.

You’re in rare form, Aries; you know where you’re going and what to wear, as they say. Because you are brimming over with self-confidence, you use your intelligence to seal the deal, and that deal ends up showing you just how lucky you really are.

So, you’ll see an uprising of good fortune, as if it’s all found the right day to come at you, and this is the one. You can’t say you expect this, Aries, as you didn’t think ‘this much’ good fortune was possible, but by day’s end, the only words you’ll be uttering will be, ‘Thank you.’

RELATED: Horoscope For Each Zodiac Sign On September 23, 2024 — The Moon Squares Saturn

2. Taurus

Taurus Zodiac Signs Experience Unexpected Fortune On September 23, 2024 Adrian Mag via Unsplash | Trendify via Canva

You certainly didn’t see this one coming, Taurus, but hey, who are you to turn your back on a gift horse? What’s happening this Monday is no fluke; it’s meant to be, and while it still feels shocking to you that you are the receiver of such tremendous good luck, you’re still there to reap those rewards.

You aren’t turning your back on anything, Taurus, and during the transit of Moon conjunct Jupiter, you’ll find that this sudden and unexpected good fortune is something you can work with. Nothing in your makeup wants to self-sabotage; you are here for it all.

Moon conjunct Jupiter shows you that it’s OK to stay positive and to be the Pollyanna of the group if need be. What that means is that, oftentimes, you’re the ‘joy bringer,’ and this is not always appreciated. Now, you still bring the joy, but so much luck comes back at you tenfold.

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3. Sagittarius

Sagittarius Zodiac Signs Experience Unexpected Fortune On September 23, 2024 Adrian Mag via Unsplash | Trendify via Canva

When good fortune comes to town, you smile happily and let it in. While you may not expect it to be so overwhelmingly obvious, as it is this Monday, September 23, you are still gracious and willing to go with the flow. You are happy to know that this is a fortunate time for you, and who wouldn’t be?

The transit of the Moon conjunct Jupiter helps this cart along, injecting all the right amounts of optimism and creativity into your daily activities. You are, by nature, a creative person, and so luck shows up for you as a great opportunity. You can express yourself well during the Moon conjunct Jupiter.

Come to think of it, though, you really have been at it for a long time, Sagittarius. You’ve done all the prep work and the self-healing, and if you’re honest with yourself, the idea of running into great fortune is all that surprising. After all, you put in the work; what you receive now is merely the payoff.

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. 

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