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Man-sized 270kg AI security robot slashes crime rates at US shopping centre



Man-sized 270kg AI security robot slashes crime rates at US shopping centre

A 1.5-metre tall, 270-kilogram security robot named Marshall is making waves at Brywood Centre in Kansas City in the United States by reducing crime by about 50 per cent.

Marshall, built on a smart car frame, is equipped with cameras in every direction and records 24/7.

It is the only unit of its kind in public anywhere near Kansas City and can read license plates and even recognise individuals as they walk by.

Despite initial hesitation, many shoppers now say they like having Marshall around. ( KMBC via CNN Newsource)

Despite not carrying weapons, Marshall has successfully assisted in catching criminals.

“Marshall was able to provide the IP address and the license plate of the getaway car,” said Amanda Bellemere, the property manager.

Jalyn Lewis, a shopper, feels safer with Marshall around, especially when leaving the gym late at night.

“I feel safer with it. Most definitely, when I’m coming out of that gym late at night,” she said.

Shoppers have warmed up to the idea of Marshall, despite initial awkwardness.

“This area has always gotten a bad rap,” said one shopper.

Bellemere believes the days of high crime rates are over and hopes Brywood Centre will become a destination spot, especially for tailgaters heading to games or the World Cup.

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