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‘Trump rarity: Verbal blasts may backfire’



‘Trump rarity: Verbal blasts may backfire’

Former President Donald Trump is headed back for another week in court, and his “trial is hardly the trail,” The Washington Post says on Monday’s front page. Being tried for allegedly defrauding voters by paying off a porn star before the 2016 election is “disrupting his campaign plans.” The trial has also produced something of a “Trump rarity,” The New York Times says: His “verbal blasts may backfire” in an arena where “what is true — or at least what can be proven” — matters, and the defendant has long “treated his own words as disposable commodities, intended for single use, and not necessarily indicative of any deeply held beliefs.”

On college campuses around the country, “protesters face police crackdowns,” USA Today says. In some cases, “worlds collide” as dug-in protesters are side by side with happy graduates, the Philadelphia Daily News says. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution says that after a big day of arrests on Saturday, the “protests on college campuses quiet down” Sunday. It’s not just at U.S. universities, the Times says. Arab leaders who publicly support Palestinians are “pushing back on protesters” too. 

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